Tuesday the 17th my little newborn ended up in the banner childrens hospital for 3 days w/ what they found out after 2 1/2 days of mad testing (INCLUDING A SPINAL TAP! GRRR)they found out on thursday that he had rotovirus. Thats 2/2 boys that have had Rotovirus just shy of the vaccine. shoot me!
So we left saturday morning to show low to my nieces 3rd Birthday party... It was actually kind of fun. I walk in and the 1st thing i see is my beautiful older sister wearing (bless her) a twilight shirt. (I couldnt be more proud, and Im only sad that I didn't think of it my self. ) In celebration of the Fabulous day that twilight came out on dvd! yay!
so i got to spend the rest of the afternoon pigging out w/ my family (all though i was hungover) it was still fun.
The downside to it... my 2 year old has decided to wait till this very trip for his fierce crazy terrible two tantrums to appear.. there were multiple times in our trip that we had both our 6 week old and our 2 year old crying at the same time... ggrrrrr. No one warned me bout this! lol.
So was it a fun get away :( sadley I've had better times. Im bummed because there are very few times that i get to go on this trip w/ Brandon. and it was our 1st family trip :( ugh.
So the upside other than actually seeing my family is that Brandon and I are taking the whole day monday just for ourselves we are driving up north to my favorite place other than home, (i dont know what is w/ me and small towns) Jerome, Az yay! and then Im driving my man through Sedona, Az where he's never got to actually see w/ out almost swerving off the road and scarying the crap out me. im soo excited, Then home to start cooking for the boys for our ritual (love it) monday night dinners.
Hopefully everything goes smoothly.